Yeah, my laptop had finally come back to me again :) *Hooray* It's time to post up the malacca trip long long time ago wit beloved family <3 As wat i said in the previous post, it's glad to go malacca for one day trip, jalan jalan n makan makan haha :)
camwhoring inside dad's car out of sheer boredom
bro n me
me n my twin sis <3

daddy joined in~ :)
boredom killer along the journey
*YIPPI* reached malacca n it's time to fill our starving tummy~
Dad:" Mmm, taste good~" *haha*
mommy *love*
our dishes
i like tis the most <3*yum>
Asam Fish
*chicken rice balls*
famous dish at malacca
*fish ball soup*
After finished eating, went to a shop which is a "must" for malacca's visitor to go as it's a specialty store tat sell special products of malacca.
sis, vanessa n mum

mommy n daddy <3>
*Tata, Malacca*

sis, vanessa
*yeah* Lets get into the ship~~
dad n sis
me n daddy
mum, was taken inside the ship~
put on our shoes n ready to go~ :)
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