Saturday, 11 July 2009

*HI* Here's the mini update. Early in the morning, i played table tennis together wit my coach n some of my table tennis team mates at SJK(c) Yuk Nam@ Old Klang Road. I just need some exercises to enrich my tiring college life, n i managed to delight myself by playing table tennis wit them. :) *yuhoo* For me, table tennis is a kind of sport plentiful of joyness tat engender my life cheerful n delighted. The game of table tennis left me perspiring profusely. *wees*

Around 3.30pm, kai wen paid me a visit as she wanted to seek help from my sis. She had to attend a prom tonight, yet she had no any making-up experiences n technique before. Since my sis has certain knowledge about making-up, so my sis made promise to give a helping hand. They finished the make-up stuff in 20minutes, n kai wen looks great indeed in her prom dress n make-up. U're pretty, girl!!! Ken n Magan reached my house afterwards for waiting Quin to fetch them. To catch the glamorous moment of them wit their super-duper nice outfits, i camwhore some of their pic.

Magan, Kai Wen, Ken
Ken n Kai Wen, the pretty girl

*whistle whistle* :)
I kept my dental appointment yesterday. Since my sis drove to sch yesterday, so i had no car to get myself to the dental clinic. I could hardly find someone to giv me a ride as everyone was having class at tat moment. I was grateful to Brandom for offering me a ride n i reached there sharp on time. Thanks :) Opps, just about to forget expressing gratitute to my aunt as she gave me a ride home from the dental clinic. *thanks thanks thanks*

Found tis in my aunt's car * Be Observant, Be Alert*
Night, having yam cha session wit my long-time-no-see frens. Yi voon, chin woo, wei cheng, kah yen, n kiat yee at Station 1 Cafe@ Aman Puri. We bumped into many familiar faces there. I felt delighted n glad in meeting all of them. Gossiping n having idle talks wit them. Chin woo, we cheng n I left the cafe for 1hour as we need to bring wei cheng's bro for doctor consultation.

nicole, a girl who has amazing voice :)
chin woo n vanessa
kiat yee, the skinny lath *Ahaha*
vanessa n yi voon
wei cheng n I
Here is another dinner night wit my nearest n dearest family@ Jln Ipoh. We like having dinner there. There is just simply snug n homey for us :)
my sis, vanessa <3
me :)
the white-shirt-guy is my elder bro, wit loss n maze expression *Ahaha*

*yum yum*
daddy's yeah :)
mommy's yippi :)

n tis my young bro, the red-shirt-guy
his expression was like :" HUH ?!" LOL
normal abit now *haha* :)

whose leg??
*Bear Bear*
Recently, i'm just simply fond of BEAR a lot :) *wees*



  1. aiyo...welcome la...
    that time i oso free ma... time u offer me a ride la...
    paiseh that time i din mention i wil fetch my friend first then let u wait long time...
    jalan ipoh which restaurant?
    look like just nice..
    so many bears...

  2. nvm la, my appointment was 1.30pm. really thanks ur ride. the restaurant's name is 1stop cafe. ya, i heart bear a lot now :)

  3. aiyo...friend ma
    next time need help just find me la...
    me always free d...hehe..
    oo....1stop near chong hwa there d...
    u hug bear while u sleeping a??
