Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Cherish The Memories of Someone, Something n Somewhere...

"Family is a masterpiece of Nature, it cannot either be created or destroyed"

All of sudden, this phrase came into my frame of mind. I heart tis phrase lots. It was given to me by my dearest n precious tutor, Mr.Yong. We usually call him siao chong :) I miss him lots, n of course his lovable wife, siao bing. Certainly, Bedford the tuition centre could not be left out of the pic. I treat it as my second home when i was still studying at high sch. We had our revisions there all together, idle talks n undoubtedly FUN. And, we would always hav some stuff to fill tummy at the street vendor's stall :) Gosh, i really MISS them lots lots lots!!! Hope to see them soon.

note: T.siao chong, u're always my precious n greatest tutor :) *winks*


  1. haha...i still remember that quote...
    that time he still discussing my essay tim...
    he said from who d philosophy,"Family is a masterpiece of Nature, it cannot either be created or destroyed"
    haha... time flies...
    so fast...
    i din meet him for long time too...
    find one day go out for gathering la^^
    really miss old days a lot..

  2. okok :) ya, time flies, miss them lots

  3. Roxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DUDE X)
