Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Happy Father's Day~ LOVE~

My deareat Daddy, Happy Father's Day :)
I love u forever n ever, KISS....
HUG n KISS are neccesaries to beatify my daddy at Father's Day, so i would send them to my daddy with open-handed, generously n willingly. *winks*
Even though father's day had adi passed for two days, n now only i update the post about it, yet i did greet my dearest daddy a Happy Father's Day on time. I'm a filial daughter, HOHO. Anyhow, we did the celebration of this great n vital festival on Saturday night at The Ship Restaurant as we need to go for Chong Hwa 90th anniversary celebration on Sunday.

dear daddy, me, dear mum <3
my fren bought from dunno-wat island to me n my sis, the packing is cute indeed :)
sis, vanessa
The Ship Restaurant , they're doing Father's Day special promotion.
elder bro, Chuan
young bro, Loong

* Yeah * :)
my dish, Salmon steak *yummy*

Sunday morning, we paid a visit to Chong Hwa Independent High School for the celebration of 90th anniversary of Chong Hwa. There were crowdy n full of hustle n bustle scene of excitement. I enjoyed performance that being presented by the students. There're SUPER DUPER MANY society for students to select, if i were students there, i would take few days to consider whether to join which society. Really MAD!!! ><

Chong Hwa Independent High School @ Jalan Ipoh
The Hall
Capturing at one of the society's creations
All of these products are created n designed by the students using thread n thin rope

look nice
In fact, they're hard to be completed.
All of those creations demanded patience n perseverance as well as stamina

chinese society
chemical reagent
experiment that conducted by my bro, i remembered it was something connected to Nitrogen gas, NO2.

malay society, my sis's fren was acting as the bridegroom

Choir *La~La~La*
Dance Dance Dance :)

vanessa n mum
valerie n mum
* END *

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