Friday, 24 May 2013

. 524 // 2013 .

if i were an owner of a pet, i must have been one of the worst, this blog has been a GREAT proof . 
last updated on the 3rd of december & being neglected since then. thats a really long one . 

the enormous workloads from study is mainly the reason of me stop blogging, but now i really want to get blogging back into my routine again . so what am gonna do next is spamming this post w/ pictures that i have drawn together from my camera & phone! loads of them, from since God knows when till the most recent . i guess its always better to let the pictures do the talking when one is not good in words. lets start from those in my camera, here you go to the flood of pictures .

views from my room's window . 

sweet treat from a friend . 
marble cheese cake made by housemate . tempted for more after each bite . 
after eyeing for so long, grateful to say u're finally mine <3 nbsp="" p="">
Rachel's Danbo .
at the backyard . 
retarded handmade owls lol . 
dried gypsophila paniculata, one of my fav flowers . 
bed companions . 

housemate made okonomiyaki (japanese pancake) for dinner !=9

went across the road to the park opposite our house & shoot these lovely cheery blossom ! 
the cutest housemate
eat out for dinner another night at JamieItalian's w/ Rachel, JianHong & Seong, for my belated birthday celebration & for the end of their finals . 
Congratz to JH & Seong for their achievement in honoured first class ! :)
Rachel // Seong 
trying hard, but couldn't remember the dishes name at all . lol. 

catching train to London in 3 hours time! ciao . 



  1. Picture says a thousand words :)
    i dun mind that see lots of nice pictures on ur blog


  2. It's been a long time since ur last update. It's good to see u start blogging again.

  3. Always like your pics! Nice and awesome pic sis~ I love those view n flower 1~ (;
