My 19th-birthday has justt over n I would likee to dedicate thiss postt to thosee who wished me, celebratee withh me, n those who prepared me a birthday presentt C:
Thanksss a lott C:
Cakess from chin woo, tyler, marcus, kai wen, quin, big circle. They're all hand-madee!*
Tyler's cakee wasnt heree bcozz i forgot to takee a pic of it :P
Thankss to:
Simplee but lovely present C:
*Jia Lun*
I knoww it's expensivee, really thankss sooo muchh!* C:& my dearestt syikin C:
She boughtt me a ginger bread man pyjamas *hahaa* Awww, so sweeeet of her C:
Ohh yeaa, not to forgett. THANKSS to my dearest parents for everything!*
I loveee bothh of uu sooo muchh
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