Saturday, 2 May 2009

29th of April @ Birthday+Orientation

Hi, here is a mini update. It's all about my orientation day at UCSI University @29th April. Coincidently, tat day was my 18 birthday, got to spend my birthday there*sigh*

We got ourselves prepared n set off around 8.15am. We headed towards Kepong Frim before going to UCSI as we promised to pick up Hong Liang n Hui Wen. We made a promise at 8am, yet we failed to make it, even worse, we took off beyond 8am, sorry for our late arrival :)

We kept urging my sis n hasten her to drive faster as we were indeed worried tat would we be late?With luckiness n tension given, my sis ultimately made it by reaching there at 9.20am, we could even set our foot in UCSI earlier than our expectation, YIPPI :) Kai Wen n Quin reached there beforehand, so they went for breakfast first n met up all of us once we arrived.

We registered ahead at those makeshift counters, n we were given a UCSI file each. They are red n white, mine is red in colour. Once we had settled the check-in thing, we paid our first sem of tuition fees which including the facilities fees, insurance, so on n so forth. We did the payment in a hurry as the orientation was actually started at 9.30am. I saw a scene of hustle n excitement when i stepped into the hall where the orientation held. I'm so excited to make new friends n hope to bump into familiar faces :)

The beginning was indeed boring, welcoming speech of group president, vice chancellor n bla bla bla, i was soon dying of boredom. Luckily there are some singing performances at the middle as an interlude, thx for saving me :)*winks* UCSI has prepared plenty of refreshments for all the new comers, we could hav something to fill tummy n the orientation would start again at 12.30pm. So, an hour to escape from the boring circumstance n hav a rest. In other words, chance for us to 'slip away'. HEHE :) *shh...*
We really did slip away just few minutes before the orientation restarted, n we didnt catch by anyone, YIPPI :) Initially, i felt guilty after escaping. Yet, this sensation has totally eradicated from my mind since i reached One Utama for my birthday celebration :p

WOW, the crowd of new comers
Hong Liang, he had lost loads of weight bcoz of participating in torturous National Service

my twin sis <3

kai wen n valerie
kai wen bought a new Hello Kitty coin purse

Monday, my sis n kai wen bought the similar watches at 1u as there is discount given if they bought a pair, meanwhile, kai wen love this watch very much, so they decided to buy them. There are three options of colours, kai wen selected the one with gold belt, n my sis selected the black.
kai wen's hand :)
my sis one, wit black belt

Waffle World @One Utama <3, my all time favourite restaurant now since my first visit wit Kai Wen, Quin n Big circle :) Kiat Yee tagged along wit us for lunch as coincidently, it was her break time. She is working at Add On@ One Utama now, so we'll pay her a visit once we are nearby there, having idle talks, gossiping :) Sometimes, friends just need to keep in touch n link up with each other to closser our rapport, agree??
By the way, i managed to get myself a sch bag at Adidas, as i'll soon start my college life *thrill with excitement* :)

kiat yee, my intimate <3
my beloved twin sister
chicken pasta, dish of big circle
kai wen's order, all of us like her dish when the waiter served it :)
meat ball pasta, tempting. YUMMY
strawberry waffle, i din hav a taste at it
blackcurrant waffle

At night, we had dinner with kok harng at Kepong, he called along chun kiet as well. Bor han n yi jian visited us n brought us cakes from Secret Recipe arond 9pm. Bor han actually wanna to sing k at my house tat day, but the karaoke system was not functioning well, so sorry about it :/
we inset a candle into the cake n made a wish *whoo*

yi jian, looks like old fogy wit his gliding glasses :)
bor han, my primary sch mate

note: all the best for all UCSI University new comers :)


  1. haha....
    today was my first day of orientation oso....
    i wish to skip orientation as well....>.<
    next time go sku by taking ktm together la...
    haha... but after reach ktm i have to change to star LRT....T.T
    try snap all the corner of UCSI...
    be4 considering UCTI actually i wish to enter UCSI d lo...
    so zha dao....=.=
    u know kiat yee was my primary sku friend ma??
    the world is so small....
    happy belated birthday o^^...
    received my post??
    next time post secret recipe to u la...
    gambateh for ur UCSI life o.....
