Sunday, 19 April 2009

Spending my Sunday morning at my primary sch, SJK(c)Kheow Bin

It has been going beyond a week since my last blogging ><, as i'm busy with my college matters...i went to UCSI for registration with my friends last week, and we got a person to take us looking round the entire campus, in an all-round manner...but i'm not going to talk about the visit, i wanna to talk about my sunday morning at my primary sch, SJK(c)Kheow Bin^^...

It was located at Batu Caves, nearby the Batu Caves Cave, have u been there?? There is terribly high...Okok, back to the main topic. I went back to my primary sch to draw a scholarship, which was given from the alumnus association of my primary sch, these scholarships are mainly giving to the former schoolfellows and alumni. So, as a former student of Kheow Bin, i applied for this scholarship^^, my sis & my bro applied as spite of the fact that my spm result isnt very good, we could apply as long as exceeding 4As...and for pmr, 4As as well on conditon to get this scholarship...haha, i'm so happy, because of the scholarship, i'm rich now^^, hehe. Who wants me to treat a meal??

SJK(c)Kheow Bin, my primary sch.

my bro, he's studying at Chong Hwa Independent High Sch now.

trying hard to made a smile plastered over my face
my sisCANTEEN!!! I miss the canteen very very much...*hungry*
Coincidentally, there was a camp held at my primary sch at that moment...i saw many kids carrying out activities together, showing esprit de corps. I miss my childhood career after watching them have fun together ><...those kids are soooooo cute^^.
naive & lively school kidshey, no sch need to raise the flags. Normally, the sch has flag-raising ceremony on Monday, if u wanna to hoist the banner, come on Monday la^^ flag towersbulletin boards, pasting students' creative, excellent pieces and productionsbasketball court, the basketball stands are short, built according to the primary students' heights^^.the big field
At night, i had western food at Manjalara with my family, D'Fortune. My young bro ate a lot, here eat some, there eat some, kept eating my french fries before his order came. Nvm la, i should eat less to lose weight, so it's ok to eat my french fries. *wees*

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