Thursday, 27 May 2010


Sunday used to be a family day for everyonee. Yet sometimes, my dad has to work on sunday too. So, the rest of us will either stay at homee the all day long or get ourselves something to do. 

My dad was working lastt sunday, so me n my sis went Belanga @ The Garden withh my mum n my aunty to havee lunch. I likee thiss kind of outings which tagged along my parents as whatever uu purchase or eat, they pay *Hahaa* 

Belanga @ The Garden 

*Ice Teller*
Bursting flavours of jackfruit, avocado, coconut and buah kabung
Thumbs up

*Nasi Dagang Chicken*

*Asam Laksa*

me C:

sista, vanessa

I wonder whatt caught her attention up theree :D

there's something at the corner thatt caught her attention too i think :D

PIG (^oo^)

yumm yumm~

After thatt we went shopping for a whilee thenn had some desserts at Pastis 
I did enjoy the day to the fullest C:


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