Monday, 10 May 2010

070510 FriDayy

Went uni last friday even though i havee no class yet justt to meet up with my beloved peeps C: I had Mcdonald's breakfast withh my sister, melia n tyler in the morning whilee waiting the others to reach.



pics taken at Mcdonald

I loveeeeee HOT Cakeee!! 


went one-utama with chin woo in the evening to hunt for the Mother's Day present <3

havee some cakee at Secret Recipe

cheeze choc, my all timee fav C:

banana cheese 

and lastt, the choc mud cakee

jasminee green tea

After we managed to get the present, we went Kissaten @ Jaya One to havee dinner. It's a nicee restaurant withh greatt food, satisfaction guaranteed C:

Icee lemon teaa

Roasted chicken spaghetti with cream saucee *thumbs up*

Salmon steak


*It's Mother's Dayy!!*
We went to a dim sum restaurant @ Concorde Hotel in the morning to havee brunch.
We lovee Dim Sum!! :D



and Chuan

mom, dad n me C:

mom, lovee uu always C:


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